Make Online School Payments Easy
One of the biggest challenges school administrators face is communicating monies due to parents. Small amounts accumulate quickly and lead to a school having a heavy receivables book and, ultimately, little cash flow. Schools can take their payment acceptance online for easy and secure processing to avoid instances of late or missing payments.
Improve Parental Engagement
A school payment solution tracking tuition, transport, extracurricular, and even cafeteria fees can be very beneficial to both parents and schools. At Payment Savvy, we understand how both parties operate and offer custom omnichannel payment options. Whether it be an online payment form, pay by text, or even IVR, offering options allows parents to choose the most convenient way to pay.
Simultaneously, an online school payment solution minimizes parents’ need to visit the school to make payment physically. It also avoids the frustration of parents wanting to confirm amounts due. It also guarantees the school children will never miss out on a school activity because of delayed payment.
Advantages of an Online School Payment Solution
As you can already see, an online school payment system makes it easier for parents and school administrators to manage monies due. Other benefits include:
- Choose different payment options such as automatic recurring or one-time payments
- All forms of payment accepted – credit card, debit card, and even electronic checks
- Payment solutions are fully integrated into bookkeeping programs, such as QuickBooks
- Parents can generate payment receipts and track balances in real-time.
- Automatic payment reminders
Choosing an Online School Payment Solution
As a school, you might be comfortable with your traditional paper billing system. So why adopt an online payment program? For starters, an advanced payment system improves your account receivables process immediately. As an educational institution, your focus is on creating knowledgeable and curious students – it shouldn’t be managing finances. Leave that process to a trusted payment partner.
Whether a public, charter, magnet, private, or even virtual school, adopting a secure and simple online payment platform will streamline operations immediately. Any setup costs associated with developing a new payment system will be repaid quickly. Schools also gain a positive parental experience by making payment convenient for them.
Savvy School Payments Made Easy
Payment Savvy’s All-in-Done payment solution is fully customized to your school needs. We provide a plethora of real-time reporting and assist in easily managing student financial records. Our set it and forget it automated payment system ensures reminders send regularly and updates you of new payments received immediately.
As a school, do you think a secure online payment solution will improve your bottom line? Give us a call – tell us what’s making and what isn’t. We will work hand-in-hand with you to create an intelligent payment system to meet your current goals and future needs.